Time frame: just a couple of minutes!
To be eligible for a rebate, you must be able to answer 'Yes' to the following:
- Do you have a combined household taxable income of less than $180,000 per annum? (based on the 2016/17 or 2017/18 tax assessment notices for the home owners or alternative proof of income for the 2016-17 or 2017-18 financial year. For example, proof of pension received)
- Are you the owner-occupier of the home?
- Is the home valued at under $3 million?
- I don't have solar PV on my property OR I am replacing my solar PV system that was installed before 1 November 2009.
Timeframe: 2-3 weeks to engage your provider
There is a lot to consider when you decide to install a Solar PV system.
The Clean Energy Council have a Solar PV buyers guide and Consumer Affairs Victoria provides helpful information on what to look out for. Their resources will provide you with guidance on installing Solar PV and questions you can ask your provider.
When selecting a solar provider you must ensure they will:
- install a Clean Energy Council (CEC) Approved Product
- use a CEC Accredited Installer
- provide you with a completed copy of the Solar Provider Statement certifying that they:
- hold an unrestricted Class A Electrical Licence, registered with Energy Safe Victoria
- have had no prosecutions registered with WorkSafe Victoria in the past three years (or with an equivalent authority in another Australian jurisdiction).
The Clean Energy Council also maintains a Solar Retailer Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct is voluntary, and aims to lift the bar higher than the minimum requirements set by government and regulators and improve professionalism in the solar industry by encouraging solar businesses to show their commitment to responsible sales and marketing activities and solar industry best practice. The Code is authorised by the ACCC. People using companies who’ve signed on to the code can be confident that they're working with a reputable retailer.
Indicative time frame: 2-3 weeks for processing
Please note: Timeframes for processing are indicative only. Our team is working through eligibility applications as quickly as possible and will be in touch as soon as your application has been reviewed and/or processed.
Please note: This step is to confirm that you meet the eligibility criteria for the program – it’s not approval that you will be paid a rebate.
If you are eligible, we’ll send you an eligibility number and a link to apply for a rebate once your system is installed.
Timeframe: 2-3 months for your system to be installed
There is some great information for consumers which outlines the process for buying and installing solar PV on your property.
Clean Energy CouncilThe Clean Energy Council has published a free guide to buying and installing solar photovoltaic (PV) panels for your home.
Consumer Affairs VictoriaConsumer Affairs Victoria has information on solar topics ranging from installation contracts to scams to watch out for.
Indicative timeframe: 3 weeks for processing
Please note: Timeframes for processing are indicative only. Our team is working through rebate applications as quickly as possible and will be in touch as soon as your application has been reviewed and/or processed.
Your solar provider will need to provide you with the following documents for you to apply for a rebate:
- Certificate of Electrical Safety
- PV Small-Scale Technology Certificate (STC) Assignment Form
- The Distributor's Solar Connection Form, Micro Embedded Generator Connection Form or Service Order Reference Number (obtained via the distributor or retailer)
- Electrical Work Request, CR Number, or similar evidence of notification to the distributor and retailer of the solar installation
- Reciept including total cost of system installation, any discounts and rebates applied (e.g. STCs), and the amount to be paid by you.
Check the email from Solar Victoria confirming your eligibility number and access the link to your rebate application form.
If you are unable to find the email or require any further information, please call Solar Victoria on 1300 363 744.
Timeframe: 2-3 weeks to process your rebate application
Keep an eye out for your an email confirming that your rebate has been processed. Processing will take a couple of weeks from the date of approval of your rebate.
Beware of ScamsWe have received alerts that scammers have been targeting Victorian households. Be alert to callers claiming to be from the Victorian Government or Solar Victoria requesting bank account details.
Solar Victoria will never ask you to provide personal details such as your banking information over the phone.
If you believe you are being contacted by a scammer please contact:
- Solar Victoria on 1300 363 744, 8.00am–6.00pm Monday to Friday to check.
- Report it to ScamWatch
- Consider adding your details to the Do Not Call Register
- Check out the Consumer Affairs Victoria website